Tuberculosis Screening
In this beautiful autumn season, our school ushered in a special health protection action - tuberculosis screening. As an important means to prevent and control tuberculosis, tuberculosis screening has attracted wide attention in recent years. In order to ensure the health of all teachers and students, the professional team of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention came to our school with advanced testing equipment and technology, and carried out a detailed tuberculosis screening for all teachers and students.
To begin with, in the screening process, the staff of the CDC conducted detailed tuberculosis detection on the teachers and students of Anqing Foreign Language School by means of professional testing equipment, who meticulously and patiently tested students and teachers to make sure they would not miss any potential health problems. In the meantime, teachers and students were educated about TB, including its transmission routes, prevention measures and the significance of early detection.
Furthermore, this screening operation has received high attention and full cooperation from the school in that our school believed this was a significant practice of school health education. Besides, through screening, our school could identify and address potential health problems in a timely manner, providing a safer and healthier learning environment for teachers and students. Therefore, the tuberculosis screening is not only a health detection activity, but also a vivid health education practice, which made teachers and students pay more attention to their own health, thus raising their awareness and prevention consciousness of tuberculosis.
To conclude, hereby we would like to thank the team of professionals at the CDC for their hard work and professionalism to ensure the health and safety of our campus. Meanwhile, let's work together to create a healthy and harmonious campus environment!